Aerobraking orbit transfer vehicle
Aerodynamic braking system for recovering a space vehicle
Aerodynamic control of a hypersonic entry vehicle
Aerodynamic fairing
Aerodynamic re-entry vehicle control with active and passive...
Aerodynamically actuated magnetic ascent vent cover
Aerospace vehicle
Aerospike for attachment to space vehicle system
Aerospike for attachment to space vehicle system
AFT deployable thermal radiators for spacecraft
Agile, spinning spacecraft with sun-steerable solar cell array a
All sky pointing attitude control system
Alternate interconnection hoytether failure resistant...
Androgynous, reconfigurable closed loop feedback controlled...
Anti-friction release device
Aperture door and calibration source for spacecraft remote sensi
Apogee at constant time-of-day equatorial (ACE) orbit
Apparatus and method for combined redundant deployment and launc
Apparatus and method for docking spacecraft