Safeguard system of a speed increasing/reducing mechanical assem
Safety lowering or descent parachute system for disabled helicop
Safety system for a helicopter
Saucer shaped gyroscopically stabilized vertical take-off...
Segmented rotatable nozzles
Segmented vectoring cruise nozzles
Self extinguishing composite primary structure
Self propelled kite
Self-driving helicopter tail rotor
Self-launching glider
Semi-buoyant vehicle with aerodynamic lift capability
Semi-venturi airfoil aircraft
Servo control system for a co-axial rotary winged aircraft
Shifting horizontal tail with helical motions
Shockcone and channeled disk-airframe
Short coupled airplane with variable wing lift
Shoulder launched unmanned reconnaissance system
Shroud geometry for unmanned aerial vehicles
Shroud-fin integration shelf for a helicopter empennage structur
Simplified anti-resonant suspension device for a helicopter