Recoil reducing system for gas guns
Reconstituted mica acoustic diaphragm
Reduced cost vent silencer
Reduced noise trailerable engine
Reduced noise valve stack connection
Reduction of standing waves and intermodulation distortion in el
Reentrant cone driven loudspeaker
Reflective acoustical damping device for rooms
Reflex compression valve - divided chamber loudspeaker cabinet
Reflex folded horn speaker enclosure
Reflex horn speaker with a waterproofing device
Reflex-ported folded horn enclosure
Refractive stigmatic system for elastic surface waves
Refractive wave muffler
Refrigeration compressor having an asymmetrical housing for nois
Refrigeration compressor muffler
Regenerable desiccant cartridge for automotive muffler
Regenerative combustion device
Reinforcing structure for engine nacelle acoustic panel
Removable exhaust baffle