Lambda/4-wave sound absorber
Laminar damper
Laminar flow vented speaker enclosure
Laminated acoustic absorption sheet with flame retardant
Laminated composite panel-form loudspeaker
Laminated loudspeaker diaphragm with honeycomb core and damping
Laminated nap comfort cover for ear seal
Land seismic acoustic source
Land seismic data acquisition method and seismic cable and...
Land seismic gas detonator
Large diameter borehole apparatus
Large diesel engine exhaust muffler
Large, high r.p.m. diesel engine exhaust muffler
Latching connection for an arrangement comprising a...
Layered acoustical insulating web
Layered earplug
Layered sound absorber for absorbing acoustic sound waves
Lens system for acoustic transducer array
Lid for muffling noises produced by an internal combustion...
Lift and isolation system for seismic vibrator