Radial horn
Radial sound port speaker
Radially arcuated speaker cone
Radio frequency shielded and acoustically insulated enclosure
Radio frequency shielded and acoustically insulated enclosure
Rainproof exhaust pipe
Rapid fire air gun
Reactive acoustic silencer
Reactive silencer for industrial air channels and its use
Reactive sound attenuator, in particular for air ducts in paper
Rear deck mounting adapter for car speaker
Rear deck mounting adapter for car speaker
Rear speaker unit for a motor vehicle
Rearward sound enhancing apparatus
Rearward sound enhancing apparatus
Receiver array using tubing conveyed packer elements
Receiver structure of stethoscope
Receiver support and earmold for a hearing device as well as...
Receiver suspension and acoustic porting system
Receptacle for sound-damping accommodation of a unit which...