AT & Saustria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesell
AT & T Technologies, Inc.
Ateliere des Charmilles, S.A.
Ateliers de Conceptions et d'Innovations Industrielles
Ateliers de Decoupage, Emboutissage et Mecanique de la Vallee de
Athan Carl Wayne
Athlone Industries, Inc.
Atkin Robert B.
Atkins Donald J.
Atkins Sidney H.
Atkins William D.
Atkinson Anthony
Atlantic Building Systmes Inc.
Atlantic Tooling and Fabricating Co., Inc.
Atlantis Silverworks, Inc.
Atlas Copco Air Power, naamloze vennootschap
Atoma International of America Inc.
Atomic Energy Council-Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
Atop S.p.A.