International Flora Technologies Ltd
International Fried Ice Cream
International Fruit Peelers Limited
International Genetic Sciences Partnership
International Machinery, Inc.
International Octrooi Maatischappit "Octropa" B.V.
International Rice Research Institute, Republic of the Philippin
International Stock Food Corporation
International Vitamin Corp.
Internationale Octrooi Maatschappij "OCTROPA"
Internationale Octrooimaatschappij "Octropa"
Interneuron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Interstate Brands Company-Licensing Co.
Interstate Brands Corporation
Interstate Food Processing Corporation
Inventine Cooked Foods Corp.
Inverness Management Corporation
Invernizzi Rutilio
Investigacion De Tecnologia Avanzada, S.A. De C.V.
Investigacion Y Nutricion, S.L.