Tettelin Herve
Teutsch Jean G.
Thalen Bror Arne
The Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund
The Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma
The Boots Company Limited
The British Drug Houses Ltd.
The Foundry, LLC
The Health Protection Agency Ipsen Limited
The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine
The MCW Research Foundation, Incorporated
The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of The College of the Holy and
The Regents of the University of Colorado, legal representative The Regents of the University of Colorado, legal representative
The Regents of the University of Michigan, Office of Technology
The Research Foundation of Microbial Diseases of Osaka Universit
The Royal Society
The Secretary of State for Scotland in Her Britannic Majesty's
The Univ. of New South Wales
The University of Maryland System
The University of Queesland