International Brachytherapy s.a.
International Business Corpration
International Business Macjines Coporation
International Center for Electron Beam Technologies of E. O. Pat
International Center for Electron Beam Technologies of E.O. Pato
International Coatings Limited
International Coatings Ltd.
International Flying Colors, Inc.
International Minerals & Chemical Luxembourg Societe Anonyme
International Octrooi MaatschappiJ "Octropa" B.V.
International Prototypes, Inc.
International Wool Secretariat
Intraub Julius
Investigacion y Desarrollo C.A.
InVireChem. Inc.
InVision Enterprises, Inc.
INVISTA North America S.a.r.l.
Ion Beam Systems, Inc.
Ion Power, Inc.
Ionic Fusion Corporation