Institut Fur Chemo-Und Biosensorik Munster E.V.
Institut fur Neue Materialien Gemeinnutzige
Institut Khimicheskikh, Nauk, Akademii, Nauk, Kazakhskoi
Institute fuer Niedertemperatur-Plasmaphysik E. V. An der Ernst-
Institute National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques
Institute of Catalysis
Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
Institute of Processing Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science
Institutul de Inginerie Tehnologica Si Proiectare Pentru Industr
InstruMed, Inc.
Instrumentation Laboratory Inc.
Instruments for Research and Industry I.sup.2 R, Inc.
Instytut Przemysku Organicznega
Integrated Instrument Services, Inc.
Intelligent Sensor Technology, Inc.
Intellitect Water Limited
Intercat Equipment, Inc.
Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, S.A.
International Art and Science Group, Inc.
International Ecoscience, Inc.