Inomata Makoto
Inori David
Inori David M.
Inpal Co., Ltd.
Institut Francais du Petrole and Babcock Enterprise
Institute fuer Niedertemperatur-Plasmaphysik E. V. An der Ernst-
Institute of Catalysis
Institute of Processing Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science
Institutul de Inginerie Tehnologica Si Proiectare Pentru Industr
Intercat Equipment, Inc.
Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, S.A.
International Ecoscience, Inc.
Inuisia North America S.á.r.l.
IONO2X Engineering L.L.C.
IR Systems International
Iretskaya Svetlana
Irkutsky Gosudarstvenny NauchnoIssledovatelsky Institut Redkikh
Irons Ian Barrey
Irving Carl
Irving Keschner