Safety device in a radiology machine
Scaleable x-ray positioner
Self-contained, portable inspection system and method
Self-shielded CT scanner
Servo controlled isocenter diagnostic x-ray examination apparatu
Sheet for shielding soft X-rays in a remover using soft...
Shielded enclosure with an isolation transformer
Shielded x-ray source, method of shielding an x-ray source,...
Shielding device for optical and/or electronic apparatuses,...
Simple mounting structure for dental X-ray apparatus
Single boom cargo scanning system
Single boom cargo scanning system
Spherical X-ray angulation and patient tilting system
Stable rotatable radiation gantry
Stand for an x-ray examination apparatus comprising a telescopin
Steering arrangement for mobile x-ray apparatus
Support structure for X-ray imaging apparatus
Support system for a radiation treatment apparatus
System and method for cooling an x-ray tube in a tomography...
System and method for cooling components rotatable about an...