Hand held high power pulsed precision x-ray source
Head activated fluoroscopic control
Head activated fluoroscopic control
Heating circuit for a filament of an X-ray tube
HF frequency tuning device
High DC voltage generator including transition characteristics c
High frequency supply for an x-ray tube
High resolution biomedical imaging system with direct detection
High resolution digital radiography system
High resolution imaging system
High resolution low dose magnifying X-ray fluoroscope and...
High resolution low dose magnifying X-ray fluoroscope and...
High speed modulation of switched-focus x-ray tube
High voltage cable and clamp system for an X-ray tube
High voltage capacitance discharge system for x-ray tube control
High voltage DC source including magnetic flux pole and multiple
High voltage generating apparatus for x-ray tube
High voltage generating device for X-ray apparatus
High voltage power supply for an X-ray tube
High voltage supply circuit for an x-ray tube