Deep well flexible hose and method of use
Deep well instrumentation
Deep well pipe water release valve
Deep well pumping apparatus
Deep well sample collection apparatus and method
Deep-set subsurface safety valve assembly
Deep-well, continuous-coiled-tubing apparatus and method of use
Defoaming methods and compositions
Deformable gravel pack and method of forming
Deformable member
Deformable well screen
Deformable well screen
Deformed multiple well template and process of use
Degradable additive for viscoelastic surfactant based fluid...
Degradable cement compositions containing degrading...
Degradable particulates as friction reducers for the flow of...
Degradation of a viscous microbial polysaccharide formulation
Delayed acid for gel breaking
Delayed borate crosslinked fracturing fluid having increased tem
Delayed in situ crosslinking of acrylamide polymers for oil reco