Heavy oil recovery process using intermittent steamflooding
High sweep efficiency enhanced oil recovery process
High vertical conformance steam drive oil recovery method
Horizontal well gravity drainage combustion process for oil reco
Horizontal wells at corners of vertical well patterns for improv
Hydrocarbon recovery methods by creating high-permeability webs
In situ combustion as adjacent formation heat source
In situ method and system for extraction of oil from shale
In situ production of synthesis gas from a coal formation...
In situ production of synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon...
In situ recovery from a hydrocarbon containing formation...
In situ recovery from a kerogen and liquid hydrocarbon...
In situ thermal processing and inhibiting migration of...
In situ thermal processing and remediation of an oil shale...
In situ thermal processing of a coal formation and tuning...
In situ thermal processing of a coal formation by...
In situ thermal processing of a coal formation in reducing...
In situ thermal processing of a coal formation leaving one...
In Situ thermal processing of a coal formation to control...
In situ thermal processing of a coal formation to convert a...