Woven low impedance electrical transmission cable and method
Writing pattern structure of differential transmission paths
Y-connected three port circulator
YIG Bandpass filter interconnected by means of longitudinally sp
Yig component
YIG microwave oscillator
YIG sphere positioning apparatus
YIG thin film microwave apparatus
YIG thin film microwave apparatus
YIG tuned band reject filter for 2-18 GHz with full one-quarter
YIG Tuned filter having coupling loops formed from conductively
Yig tuned high performance filters using full loop, nonreciproca
YIG-tuned circuit with rotatable magnetic polepiece
Zero loss bias “T”
Zero-IF-converter with RC filters
Zero-setback sliding load for network analyzer calibration
Zig-zag slotted coaxial cable for radio frequency signal couplin
Zinc oxide on silicon device for parallel in, serial out, discre