Insertion box
Inside collet for coaxial placement of diode
Instantaneous compressor and instantaneous expandor
Insular waveguide directional coupler
Insular waveguide ring resonator filter
Insulation of anti-resonance in resonators
Insulation of anti-resonance in resonators
Insulation of anti-resonance in resonators
Integrable acoustic resonator and method for integrating...
Integrable broadside power divider
Integrable tunable filter circuit comprising a set of BAW...
Integrable tunable filter circuit comprising a set of BAW...
Integral dielectric filter
Integral resonators for a filter and a method for manufacturing
Integral waveguide structure and semiconductor wafer
Integratable microwave devices based on ferromagnetic films disp
Integrated absorptive power line filters
Integrated active electronic switched capacitor filter having ex
Integrated balanced-filters
Integrated balanced-unbalanced duplexer