T-circuit produced using microstrip technology with a...
Tandem six port 3:1 divider combiner
Tap device for broadband communications systems
Tap for extracting energy from transmission lines
Tap for extracting energy from transmission lines using impedanc
Tapered five-port waveguide star junction
Tapered septum waveguide transducer
Technique for increasing the range of impedances for circuit boa
Telecommunication connector with feedback
Temperature compensated circulator
Temperature-compensated waveguide isolator
Tented diode shunt RF switch
Terminated switch
Terminating scheme for transmitting multiple signals on a coaxia
Thermostable circulator with the magnetic characteristics of...
Thick film balanced line structure, and microwave baluns, resona
Thick film balanced line structure, and microwave baluns, resona
Thick film construct for quadrature translation of RF signals
Thick film lange coupler
Thick film microwave coupler