High-frequency switching module and frequency-characteristic...
High-frequency switching module and high-frequency apparatus...
High-frequency transmission line, dielectric resonator, filter,
High-pass branch of a frequency separating filter for ADSL...
High-performance coupler
High-power directional coupler and method for fabricating
High-power switch
High-ratio, isolated microwave branch coupler with power divider
Housing of satellite receiver and method for forming the same
Hybrid balun apparatus
Hybrid coupler
Hybrid coupler and UHF television channel mixer comprising...
Hybrid coupler having interlaced coupling conductors
Hybrid directional coupler circuit
Hybrid for two-wire full-duplex transmission of digital signals
Hybrid GaAs MMIC FET-PIN diode switch
Hybrid junction having three conductive lines coaxially disposed
Hybrid mode RF phase shifter and variable power divider using th
Hybrid power combiner and amplitude controller
Hybrid power divider/combiner circuit