Ultra-high filtration filter
Ultra-miniature collapsible butane fueled mantle lantern
Ultralight coaxial cigarette including a multipart filter
Ultrasonic cigarette-holder or pipe stem
Uniform tar delivery profile filter
Unit for forming a continuous mat of tobacco
Unit for forming group of cigarettes
Unit for simultaneously forming two layers of tobacco
Unit for supplying layers of cigarettes
Unit for transferring cigarette sticks from a cigarette...
Unit for transferring cigarette sticks from a cigarette...
Unitary pack of smoking tobacco products containing polymeric al
Uniting rod-like articles, particularly for filter cigarette man
Upgraded tobacco stem material and its method of preparation
Use for augmenting or enhancing the aroma and taste of smoking t
Use for augmenting or enhancing the flavor or aroma of smoking t
Use for preparing smoking tobacco compositions of spiropyran der
Use in augmenting or enhancing the aroma or taste of smoking tob
Use in modifying smoking tobacco aroma and flavor or mono-oxomet
Use in smoking tobacco compositions and smoking tobacco articles