Method and apparatus for making a composite stream from fibrous
Method and apparatus for making a rod-like filler of smokable ma
Method and apparatus for making and manipulating streams of fibr
Method and apparatus for making cigarettes with soft cores
Method and apparatus for making rod-like fillers from several ty
Method and apparatus for making rod-shaped smokers' products wit
Method and apparatus for making self-extinguishing cigarette
Method and apparatus for manufacturing a rod of tobacco or the l
Method and apparatus for monitoring and evaluating the density o
Method and apparatus for producing a composite tobacco filler
Method and apparatus for producing a continuous filler of tobacc
Method and apparatus for producing a multiple-blend cigarette
Method and apparatus for producing a rod-shaped filler from seve
Method and apparatus for producing an elongated wrapped rod from
Method and apparatus for producing rod-like tobacco fillers
Method and apparatus for regulating the operation of machines fo
Method and apparatus for the production of coaxial tobacco or fi
Method and device for determining the density of a stream of fib
Method and device for determining the density of a stream of fib
Method and device for feeding strip paper on a dual-rod cigarett