Machine for manufacturing continuous cigarette rods simultaneous
Machine for simultaneously manufacturing two continuous cigarett
Machine for simultaneously producing two continuous cigarette ro
Manufacture of cigarettes and the like
Manufacture of cigarettes and the like
Manufacturing machine for producing cigarettes composed of tobac
Manufacturing machine for producing two continuous cigarette rod
Measuring cigarette pressure drop
Method and apparatus for accumulating particles of tobacco into
Method and apparatus for ascertaining the filling power of tobac
Method and apparatus for building a continuous stream of tobacco
Method and apparatus for controlling a cigarette maker to produc
Method and apparatus for controlling at least two physical prope
Method and apparatus for detecting soft sections of tobacco fill
Method and apparatus for determining the tobacco shred filling q
Method and apparatus for forming a filler of fibrous material
Method and apparatus for forming continuous cigarette rods
Method and apparatus for forming discrete batches of tobacco par
Method and apparatus for forming rod-shaped articles of the toba
Method and apparatus for inspecting cigarette density