Loom cloth take-up and method
Loom cloth tension control
Loom control system
Loom device for holding weft thread ends
Loom dobby control units
Loom dobby reading unit
Loom drive mechanism
Loom equipped with weft picking control system
Loom equipped with weft picking control system
Loom for producing three dimensional weaves
Loom for the production of a gauze material
Loom for the weaving of two and/or three thread fabrics
Loom for weaving
Loom for weaving a slide-fastener element to a tape
Loom for weaving flat fabric
Loom frame
Loom gripper drive with apparatus for changing the path of motio
Loom guide bar blade with its surface nitrided for hardening
Loom guide bar for stretching a fabric laterally
Loom harness