Apparatus for controlling motor-driven let-off motion for looms
Apparatus for controlling shed formation in a travelling-wave lo
Apparatus for controlling the tension of catch selvage yarn...
Apparatus for controlling the warp thread tension by positional
Apparatus for controlling weft insertion in jet loom
Apparatus for controlling weft picking
Apparatus for coupling a harness-motion to a harness frame of a
Apparatus for coupling a weaving machine and shed-forming machin
Apparatus for detecting malfunction on drawing of catch yarns in
Apparatus for detecting success in weft insertion of shuttleless
Apparatus for detecting weft yarn in jet looms
Apparatus for detection of end breakage in heddle frame
Apparatus for distributing pressurized fluid to a multi-element
Apparatus for effecting back-and-forth movement of a guide synch
Apparatus for fabricating three-dimensional fabric material
Apparatus for forming a double catch thread narrow weave
Apparatus for forming a leno weave
Apparatus for forming a narrow weave from bare elastomeric threa
Apparatus for forming leno selvedges in weaving machines
Apparatus for forming selvages in weaving machines