Device for regulating the tension of a thread unwound from a...
Device for retrieving the end of the yarn on a yarn-feed spool
Device for securing an exchangeable member to a carrier in a shu
Device for separating reserve turns of thread on a weft feeder d
Device for smoothening the unwinding from the cylinder of...
Device for storing a weft yarn for inserting in a jet loom
Device for storing filamentary material for use on a loom
Device for supplying a weft thread to a main blower of an air je
Device for supplying and regulating a thread for a textile machi
Device for supplying multiple weft threads to a main blower of a
Device for supporting a rotary reed on a shaft shed weaving mach
Device for the automatic control of the weft yarn feed in air lo
Device for the constrained actuation of clamping means of fillin
Device for the formation of the shed in a multished loom
Device for the insertion of a weft thread into the shed between
Device for the insertion of weft threads into the shed of air-lo
Device for the picking of weft threads in an air jet weaving...
Device for the rotational drive of a weft prefeed and measuremen
Device for the supply of compressed air to a main jet nozzle of
Device for tucking, retaining and curling the weft and to provid