Separating roll for an open end spinning machine
Shaft arrangement for supporting and driving an open-end spinnin
Shaft for an open-end spinning rotor and method of making same
Shaft for an open-end spinning rotor assembly
Shaft for supporting and driving an open-end spinning rotor
Shaftless spinning rotor of an open-end spinning machine
Side disc for the support disc bearing of a rotor spinning devic
Silver opening and feeding device for an open-end spinning devic
Sliver feeding and opening device of an open end spinning machin
Sliver feeding and opening device of an open-end spinning machin
Sliver feeding device for an open-end spinning machine
Sliver feeding devices for open-end spinning frames
Sliver guide for use in open-end spinning frames
Sliver opening device
Sliver opening device for an open-end spinning device
Sliver opening device for separating out impurities and feeding
Spindle construction for mounting arrangements for spinning mach
Spindle for gas bearing of a rapidly rotating tool, in particula
Spinning apparatus of rotor type open-end spinning unit and roto
Spinning device