Steam iron baffling
Steam iron drip valve actuator
Steam iron having a cartridge for treating water or cloth to be
Steam iron having a fabric temperature sensor for controlling st
Steam iron having a hydrophilic acid resistant steam changer
Steam iron having a multi-chambered tank
Steam iron having a solenoid driven pump and heated evaporation
Steam iron having plural heating elements and a control circuit
Steam iron having valved demineralizing cartridge and secondary
Steam iron having variable heat conductivity between the heating
Steam iron including boiler and overlying extraction channel
Steam iron including double boiler portions, heaters, and thermo
Steam iron pump mechanism
Steam iron seal with tangential flow for surge
Steam iron sole plate
Steam iron sole plate design
Steam iron sole plate with plug insert
Steam iron sole-plate cover and its method of assembly
Steam iron sole-plate with depressions and recess
Steam iron soleplate