Ram press for expressing liquid from materials being pressed
Ram press for pressing liquid out of material being pressed
Ramped scrubbing vanes for auger agitator
Rapid release washing machine lid lock
Receptacle drive coupling for an automatic washer
Recessed vane dual action agitator
Reciprocating laundry basket for an automatic washer
Recirculation control in a washing machine
Recycling system for laundry wash water
Reduced energy consumption automatic washers
Reinforced ball balancer for clothes washing machine
Relating to laundry machines
Relay control circuit for washing appliance
Remote sump with film heater and auto purge
Removable cabinet for front-servicable appliances
Removable heat exchanger for industrial laundry machines
Removable shipping restraint system for appliances
Replaceable fluid dye applicator for inert-blanketed regions
Resist stripping method and apparatus