Determining the manner in which the wires connecting to a base s
Determining the physical structure of subscriber lines
Determining whether a telephony call is permitted based on...
Device and a method for feeding electric devices from a...
Device and method for announcing an incoming call
Device and method for article storage and release
Device and method for automatically controlling sound volume in
Device and method for carrying out multichannel acoustic...
Device and method for cleaning telephone number list
Device and method for connecting a monitored alarm system to...
Device and method for detecting presence of service on...
Device and method for echo compensation in a two-wire full...
Device and method for expanding legacy switches
Device and method for generating a list of qualified call...
Device and method for improving the load distribution in a...
Device and method for isolating voice and data signals on a comm
Device and method for monitoring shock
Device and method for network communication
Device and method for playing a ring signal based on a...
Device and method for processing audio signals and...