System and method for service-oriented automatic remote...
System and method for storing and transferring information token
System and method for storing and transferring information...
System and method for storing and transferring information...
System and method for storing and transferring information...
System and method for storing and transferring information...
System and method for transmitting a facsimile via a network
System and method for transmitting a facsimile via a network
System and method for transmitting aural information between a c
System and method for transmitting data and commands using a tel
System and method for triggering actions at a host computer by t
System and method for using telephony controls on a personal...
System and method for visitor reception service in absence
System and method implementing an auction game using...
System and method of operating terminal in at least two...
System and method of providing a bi-directional DSL connection
System and method to mitigate pots ringing interference in DSL
System and method using personal identification numbers and asso
System and program for controlling electronic devices
System data sharing management system in LAN telephone system