Adaptive pilot tone location in a transmission system
Adaptive voice and data bandwidth management system for multiple
Adjunct arrangement for a telecommunication device
Administrative control and security of modems
ADSI web browser for retrieving internet data files
ADSL filter
Advanced intelligent network interacting with customer premises
AIN based Internet FAX routing
Ain based internet fax routing
Alarm system interface
Alert system for hearing impaired persons
Alphanumeric keyboard with telephone dialing capability
Alphanumeric message composing method using telephone keypad
Alphanumeric message composing method using telephone keypad
Alphanumeric message composing method using telephone keypad
Alphanumeric messaging system
Alphanumeric registration method and device of a system with alp
Analog controls housed with electronic displays for telephones
Answering machine services for data conferences
Apparatus and a method for predictive call dialing