Method for selectively routing enhanced calls
Method for setting up an adaptive interexchange signaling system
Method for setting up telecommunication connections
Method for signalling connection control part message loop preve
Method for signalling connection control part message loop...
Method for supporting the mobility of a subscriber across a...
Method for switching a first communication link to a second...
Method for switching telephone calls between two telephone...
Method for telecommunications service-to-service...
Method for the non-hierarchical routing of traffic in a communic
Method for transferring a subscriber to a new local service prov
Method for transferring message in a message transfer part...
Method for transferring the service profile of a digital...
Method for transmission of service signaling message,...
Method for transmitting data traffic in a telecommunications...
Method for transmitting information to remote site using...
Method for transmitting operation and maintenance functions...
Method for updating a local switch internal database in a system
Method for updating a local switch internal database in a system
Method for updating a local switch internal database in a system