Reduced complexity transform-domain adaptive filter using...
Remote conference system using multicast transmission for...
Residual echo estimation for echo cancellation
Residual echo suppression
Robust adaptive filter for echo cancellation
Robust adaptive filter for use in acoustic and network echo...
Robust double-talk detection
Robust double-talk detection and recovery in a system for...
Robust signed regressor PNLMS method and apparatus for...
Round trip delay estimator and compensator for the echo...
Route delay sensitive echo cancellation
Send filter for an echo canceler
Signal capture for telecommunications switch
Signal processing
Single-ended echo cancellation system and method
Single-sided subband filters
Small array microphone for acoustic echo cancellation and...
Software-based bridging system for full duplex audio telephone c
Solid state isolation device using opto-isolators
Solid state isolation device using opto-isolators