Method and system of providing cataloging and detecting...
Method and system of remotely restoring communication lines
Method for adding redundant vias on VLSI chips
Method for adjusting current levels, which have been...
Method for analyzing an IDNX network
Method for automatically tracing interface for exchange and...
Method for checking a switching center, line unit and...
Method for communicating on an equipment network
Method for controlling DSL transmission power
Method for controlling overload of main processor of distributed
Method for controlling the transmission power in a digital...
Method for detecting improper delivery of parameters, in an init
Method for determining subscriber loop make-up by...
Method for diagnosing a fault of digital exchanger
Method for emulating a terminal and test apparatus for...
Method for enhancing the reliability of a wireless telecommunica
Method for frequency and loop length grouping for cross-talk...
Method for generating a monitor program for monitoring text stre
Method for improving the administration of the telephone local l
Method for initiating a telephone call on a remote line