Method and apparatus for reducing noise in an electrostatic digi
Method and apparatus for regenerating a modified duobinary signa
Method and apparatus for representing characters
Method and apparatus for securing data transmissions
Method and apparatus for securing data transmissions
Method and apparatus for securing data transmissions
Method and apparatus for securing data transmissions
Method and apparatus for signaling in a communication system
Method and apparatus for simultaneously modulating with picture,
Method and apparatus for stabilized reproduction of remotely-sen
Method and apparatus for synchronizing a receiver end-key genera
Method and apparatus for synchronizing master and local time bas
Method and apparatus for synchronizing the ciphering and deciphe
Method and apparatus for synchronously detecting a differentiall
Method and apparatus for the synchronization of a deciphering de
Method and apparatus for the transmission of data
Method and apparatus for the two-way transmission of pulses
Method and apparatus for time compression of facsimile transmiss
Method and apparatus for transaction and identity verification
Method and apparatus for transmission line termination