Using GPS and ranging to determine relative elevation of an...
Using inactivity levels to extend subscriber equipment...
Using landline telephone RF sniffers to provide Z-coordinate...
Using local codecs
Using phase difference to determine valid neighbors
Using PIM calendar on a mobile device to configure a profile
Using proximity information to dynamically change greeting...
Using RFID and sensored zones to geographically control...
Using shared secret data (SSD) to authenticate between a...
Using shared secret data (SSD) to authenticate between a...
Using signal-generated location information to identify and...
Using SMS to explicity notify called party when called party...
Using statistically ascertained position for starting...
Using subnet relations for paging, authentication,...
Using subnet relations for paging, authentication,...
Using two SIM cards with same MSISDN number
Using uplink relative path gain related measurements to...
Using V2X in-network session maintenance protocols to enable...
USSD-facilitated call setup for push to talk over cellular...