Technique for eliminating free paging in a personal mobile commu
Technique for enabling emergency call callback of a terminal...
Technique for establishing a virtual backbone in an ad hoc...
Technique for generating and managing a personal dialing queue
Technique for improving modulation performance of...
Technique for improving radio system performance during fading
Technique for least cost routing for mobile satellite systems em
Technique for measuring channel delay
Technique for mobile wireless device location
Technique for monitoring and attempting to connect...
Technique for negotiating on behalf of a mobile ambient...
Technique for notification of mobile terminals by...
Technique for performing amplitude modulation without cheating s
Technique for performing an automatic channel search and switch
Technique for providing a secure link in a mobile...
Technique for providing feature information in a personal mobile
Technique for reducing average power consumption in a...
Technique for reducing interference to radio operations on a...
Technique for reporting faults of base station of digital...
Technique for secure communications on FM radio channels