Exterior mounted remote control television channel selector
External adapter for a portable cellular phone
External compiling device of a directory and a schedule calendar
External connector and battery extension pack for a portable...
External control unit with reduced keypad integrated in...
External data-input device and speech inputting method of...
External memory management apparatus and external memory...
External noise intrusion prevention device, signal...
External operating unit for a mobile radio telephone
External power source to main battery power sources switch
External power supply control system for cellular phone
External request type function control system, terminal...
Externally connectable control unit for a portable radio
Externally controlled output power by means of antenna keying
Extra capacity radio base station for wireless communication
Extra communication service system with time differential...
Extraction of primary and co-channel signals
Extraterrestrial communications systems and methods...
Extravehicular communication system and method
Extremely high frequency multipoint fixed-access wireless commun