Headset structure with built-in audio source
Headset with multi-button control for a mobile communication...
Headset with radio communication function and communication...
Headset with retractable battery pack
Headset with variable gain based on position of microphone boom
Headsets and headset power management
Hearing aid compatibility in a wireless communications device
Hearing aid compatibility in a wireless communications device
Hearing assistive system with low power interface
Hearing protection for a wireless communications device
Helmet headphones
Helmet type hands free system with radio communication function
Helmet with incorporated communication system
Helmet with two-way radio communication faculty
Helmet-supported radio transceiver and broadcast receiver system
Heterodyne receiver and communication system with...
Heterodyne receiver and communication system with...
Heuristically assisted user interface for a wireless...
High capacity broadband cellular/PCS base station using a...
High density information presentation using...