Superheterodyne receiver of scanning type with indicator means t
Supervisory device for an optoelectronic switching network
Suppressed-fundamental frequency three-way predistorter
Switchable bandpass filter for a multiband tuner
Switchable signal source module for use with cable television co
Switchable wide band receiver front end for a multiband...
Switched network telephone subscriber distribution system
Switching circuit for a satellite broadcasting converter capable
Switching control apparatus for tuning system
Switching filter module for dynamic multi-channel selection
Symmetrically clamped fiber optic receiver
Synchronization tracking in pulse position modulation receiver
Synthesized selective call receiver having variable characterist
Synthesizer receiver
Synthesizer receiver for automatically tuning master stations an
Synthesizer tuner
System and apparatus for a direct conversion receiver and...
System and method for a mobile computing device to control...
System and method for automatically muting cellular...
System and method for automatically tuning an antenna