Transmitting group ID information to exclude a group of...
Transmitting of cell management information in a cellular...
Transmitting/receiving apparatus and transmitting/receiving...
Transmitting/receiving unit for use with a mobile...
Transparent and non-transparent data transmission in mobile...
Transparent billing and display of multiple directory...
Transponder subsystem for supporting location awareness in...
Transport agnostic authentication of wireless devices
Transport agnostic authentication of wireless devices
Transport channel control in a UMTS network
Transport efficiency optimization for mobile IPV6
Transport of radio network-originated control information
Transportable infrastructure for airborne cellular system
Transporting short message service (SMS) messages within a telec
Transporting user defined billing data within a mobile telecommu
Treatment of a location request by a first location request...
Treatment of positioning data during a positioning handover
Trial upgrade capability for wireless handheld devices
Trigger for hard handoff from an overlay carrier to an...
Triggered hyperband scanning