Parallel computer network and method for telecommunications...
Parallel loading of wireless switch updates
Parallel multiple measurement message handling for soft...
Parallel optimization of wireless networks
Parameter selection optimization for handover
Partial support of mobility between radio access networks
Partitioning a database keyed with variable length keys
Passive and active scanning in wireless network
Passive mode tracking through existing and future wireless...
Path connection control system and control method thereof in...
Path discovery method for return link communications between...
Path loss data normalization for growth management of a...
Path timing detecting method in mobile communications system...
Pattern-recognition-based geolocation
PCS pocket phone/microcell communication over-air protocol
PCS-to-mobile IP internetworking
PDC (personal digital cellular) communication controlling...
Peer to peer information exchange for mobile communications...
Penalty of cell reselection for a wireless device
Performance monitor for antenna arrays