Cascaded boiling pool slurry reactors for producing bimodal...
Cascaded polyolefin slurry polymerization employing...
Cases for memory disks having excellent antistatic properties
Cast ceiling tiles containing latexes as binders
Cast elastomers prepared from aminocrotonates
Cast marble objects having superior depth characteristics and co
Cast molding material for plastic lens and process for the...
Cast polyester resin process and product
Cast polyurethane elastomers containing low polarity amine curin
Cast resin for optical use
Cast resin for optical use
Cast resin mixture for bonding substantially sheet-shaped elemen
Cast stretch film of interpolymer compositions
Castable ceramic compositions
Castable ceramic compositions
Castable golf ball components using acrylate functional resins
Castable golf ball components using acrylate functional resins
Castable golf ball components using acrylate functional resins
Castable liquid prepolymers and polyurethanes
Castable polyurethane elastomers chain extended with 2,3-bis(hyd