Dual chamber pacer
Dual chamber pacer with alternative rate adaptive means and meth
Dual chamber rate responsive pacemaker
Dual chamber rate responsive pacemaker with automatic mode switc
Dual chamber rate responsive pacemaker with variable refractory
Dual channel cardiac pacer isolation circuit
Dual channel cardiac pacer isolation circuit
Dual channel cardiac pacer isolation circuit
Dual channel coherent fibrillation detection system
Dual channel isolation system for cardiac pacer
Dual channel P-wave detection in surface electrocardiographs
Dual channel resolver for real time arrythmia analysis
Dual coil guidewire with radiopaque distal tip
Dual coil steerable guidewire
Dual element electrical connector
Dual element ultrasonic transducer probe for combined imaging of
Dual epilation machine
Dual fenestrated surgical drape with a flap capable of covering
Dual flow/lambda display for xenon enhanced tomography
Dual frequency heart rate monitor utilizing doppler radar