Method and apparatus for applying frequency vibrations...
Method and apparatus for applying frequency vibrations...
Method and apparatus for auditory and olfactory relaxation
Method and apparatus for biophilically promoting patient relaxat
Method and apparatus for biophilically promoting patient relaxat
Method and apparatus for biophilically promoting personal...
Method and apparatus for inducing and establishing a changed sta
Method and apparatus for reducing physiological stress
Method and apparatus for reducing physiological stress
Method and apparatus for reducing stress
Method and apparatus for stress relief
Method and apparatus for stress relief system
Method and apparatus for treatment of mono-frequency tinnitus
Method and apparatus of varying the brain state of a person by m
Method and apparatus to create and induce a self-created...
Method and apparatus to relax a patient to minimize the...
Method and device for producing a desired brain state
Method and recording for producing sounds and messages to achiev
Method and recording for producing sounds and messages to achiev
Method and system for altering consciousness