Radiation curing formulations for polyethylene film reinforcemen
Radiopaque marker for a surgical sponge
Radiopaque polymeric composition
Raised center sanitary napkin with raised edges
Rapid expansion tampon pledget
Rapid expansion tampon pledget
Rapid expansion tampon pledget comprising inverted...
Re-useable holders for diapers and disposable liners
Rear Fastening disposable diaper
Rectal area dressing
Reduced leakage menstrual pad with built-in fold lines
Reduced noise level fastening system
Reduced odor absorbent article and method
Reduction of odors in absorbent articles
Reduction of odors in absorbent articles
Reduction of unwanted side-effects during use of absorbent...
Refastenable absorbent article and a method of applying thereof
Refastenable absorbent article and a method of applying thereof
Refastenable absorbent article exhibiting improved body fit
Refastenable absorbent article exhibiting improved body fit