Reducing discomfort caused by electrical stimulation
Reducing discomfort caused by electrical stimulation
Reducing discomfort caused by electrical stimulation
Reducing discomfort caused by electrical stimulation
Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems
Resilient filled-bladder magnetherapy articles
Seizure therapy method and apparatus
Self-operated mini therapeutic device for venous thrombus...
Severed spinal cord regeneration using natural processes and...
Sham for transcranial magnetic stimulator
Spinal disc therapy system
Spiral field magnetic product
Stimulating cell receptor activity using electromagnetic fields
Stimulator head and method for attenuating the sound emitted...
Stimulators and stimulating coils for magnetically...
Strong magnetism therapeutic apparatus with permanent-magnets ro
Supplemental diabetic treatment method
Suspending bleeding with a specific magnet
System and method for hair loss reduction and re-growth
System and method for preventing closure of passageways