Expanding polygonal surgical compressor
Expanding polygonal surgical compressor
Expanding polygonal surgical compressor
Expanding suture anchor
Expanding suture anchor having an actuator pin
Expansible apparatus with back-loaded cannula
Expansible apparatus with back-loaded cannula
Expansible cannula
Expansible shearing catheters for thrombus removal
Expansible tunneling apparatus for creating an anatomic working
Expansible tunneling apparatus for creating an anatomic working
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the body
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the body
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the body
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the body
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the...
Expansile device for use in blood vessels and tracts in the...
Expansion apparatus for adjustable spinal implant
Expansion locking vertebral body screw, staple, and rod assembly
Expansion unit and apparatus for expanding tubular organ lumen