Recanalization apparatus and devices for use therein and method
Reciprocating cutting and dilating balloon
Remote endarterectomy ring stripper
Resecting coagulated tissue
Rotary bur instruments having bur tips with aspiration passages
Rotatable dynamic seal and guide for a medical obstruction treat
Rotational atherectomy device
Rotational atherectomy device
Rotational atherectomy device
Rotational atherectomy device
Rotational atherectomy device with exchangeable drive shaft cart
Rotational atherectomy device with improved exchangeable drive s
Rotational atherectomy device with improved optical tachometer
Rotational atherectomy device with radially expandable prime mov
Rotational atherectomy system with serrated cutting tip
Rotational atherectomy system with stationary cutting elements
Rotational atherectomy system with stationary cutting elements
Rotational thrombectomy apparatus and method with standing wave
Rotational thrombectomy device
Rotational thrombectomy wire