Phased array acoustic systems with intra-group processors
Phased array acoustic systems with intra-group processors
Phased array echoplanar imaging system for fMRI
Phased array transducer design and method for manufacture thereo
Phosphorescence and fluorescence spectroscopy for detection...
Photoacoustic assay and imaging system
Photoacoustic breast scanner
Photoacoustic breast scanner
Photon irradiation human pain treatment monitored by thermal ima
Photon irradiation human pain treatment monitored by thermal...
Photosonic diffusion wave-based tumor detector
Physiological corrections in functional magnetic resonance imagi
Physiological magnetic field measuring instrument for...
Physiological model based non-rigid image registration
Physiological triggering device for high-field magnetic-resonanc
Picture archiving and communication system and method for...
Piezocomposite ultrasound array and integrated circuit...
Pipeline process for automatically measuring object boundary fro
Planar transducer for measuring biomedical pressures
Plane wave scanning reception and receiver